Relevant Books and Papers on Byzantine Music:

Spyridis, H.C. 1987. Psychoacoustics and Mathematics on Byzantine Music . Thessaloniki : Zitis (in Greek).

Politis, D.   1987. Information Theory Applied to the Structural Study of Slow Heirmologion of Ioannis Protopsaltis in Mode A . Thessaloniki: BSc Thesis, Physics Dept., Aristotle University.

Spyridis, H.C. and D.V. Politis. 1990.  "Information Theory Applied to the Structural Study of Byzantine Ecclesiastical Hymns." ACUSTICA , 71(1): 41-49.

Cook, P., D. Kamarotos, T.  Diamantopoulos and G. Phillipis. 1993." IGDIS: A modern Greek Text to Speech Singing Program for the SPASM/Singer Instrument." Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference . Tokyo : International Computer Music Association,   pp. 387-389.

Moysiadis, P. and H.C. Spyridis. 1994. Applied Mathematics on the Science of Music . Thessaloniki : Zitis (in Greek - pp. 76 - 90 cope with scales).

Mastorakis, N., K. Gioldasis, D. Koutsouvelis and N. Theodorou.   1995.  "Study and Design of an Electronic Instrument which Accurately Produces the Spaces of Byzantine Music." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics , 41(1): 118-124.

Pikrakis, A., D. Kamarotos and S. Theodoridis. 1996.  "Recognition of Isolated Musical Patterns in the Context of Greek Tradional Music." Proceedings of the 1996 Third IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS '96. Rhodes : Vol. II, pp. 1223-1226.

Politis, D., I.A. Tsoukalas and P. Linardis. 1996.  "Interpretation of Byzantine Music Notation as Adaptive D Modulation. ", Proceedings of the 1996 Third IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS '96. Rhodes : Vol. II, pp.  1219-1222.

Pikrakis, A., S. Theodoridis and D. Kamarotos.   1997. "Recognition of Isolated Musical Patterns in the Context Greek Tradional Music using Dynamic time Warping Techniques." Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference . Thessaloniki : International Computer Music Association,   pp. 341-343

Politis, D., I.A. Tsoukalas, P. Linardis and A. Bakalakos.   1997. " VIDI -A Voice Instrument Digital Interface for Byzantine Music."  Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference . Thessaloniki : International Computer Music Association,   pp. 403-407.

Politis, D., I.A. Tsoukalas and P. Linardis, 1998. "A Voice Scripting Language Interface of N- Arity for an OO Formant synthesizer." Recent Advances in Information Science and Technology (edited by N. Mastorakis ). Singapore : World Scientific, pp. 247-251

Politis, D. 1999.  "N-Delta Builder: a Multi Platform Graphical Rapid Prototyping Tool for the Development of Voice Synthesis." Proceedings of the 1999 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems ICECS '99. Pafos, Cyprus :   Vol. III, pp. 1565-1568.


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Apostoliki Diakonia of Church of Greece